- Start with Picnics in Parks in at 2/117 Lambton Quay, making signs
- March with signs and picket at Parliament, for FFF Global Strike
- Level 2 – wear masks and maintain social distancing
On the 24th of September, climate activists around the world will unite for a global strike based around #UprootTheSystem. But what does it exactly mean?
When we say Uproot The System, the climate movement puts an emphasis on the intersectionality of the climate crisis. The dominance of the Global North over MAPA (most affected people and areas) through different systems, such as: colonialism, discrimination, and climate injustice – and particularly the Global North’s outsized contribution to global emissions, is at the root of this crisis. Without listening to MAPA, embracing intersectionality, and uprooting this system, we have no hope of stopping the climate crisis. As the published narrative of the strike states, “Other socio-economic crises such as racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality, and more amplify the climate crisis and vice versa. It is not just a single issue, our different struggles and liberations are connected and tied to each other.”
21 October, Newtown: Prepare for Rise Up action in Taranaki

Our friends in Taranaki are organising a huge event in November. Here in Te Whanganui-a-Tara they are aided by Peace Action Wellington. Climate Justice Taranaki are highly respected campaigners and this event will be huge.
This from Valerie Morse of Peace Action.
I’m writing to invite all your members to a critically important climate justice action happening in Taranaki from 3-7 November.
The international climate negotiations (COP26) will be happening then, and we want to be clear that if they don’t take the actions required to keep temperature rise to 1.5, then we will.
We’re teaming up from across Aotearoa to hold four days of skill-sharing, wānanga, networking and non-violent direct actions with other concerned people from across Aotearoa. The 5th of November is the day colonial troops invaded Parihaka after 22 years of bloody war across the country for land and resources. A war which has never ended and links directly to ruling class oppression, white supremacy, extractivism and now global warming. The 6th of November is a Global Day of Action for climate justice.
Our demands are to:
- End extraction of fossil fuels
- Ban industrial fertiliser
- End dairy exports, and
- No false solutions (like hydrogen).
What will happen:
The gathering starts on Wednesday evening and ends on Sunday morning. [Note: accommodation will be on marae and there are several campgrounds nearby. More details will be posted soon.]
There will be opportunities for:
- connecting to other groups/individuals to build the movement, and time to work with your local groups to plan (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
- Learning about the local history and its impacts (Thursday evening, all weekend)
- Skill-sharing, learning about climate justice and activism from different groups
- Making art and props (Friday)
- Nonviolent direct action (Friday and Saturday)
Make sure you save the date and make plans to come! Car-pooling and transport arrangements can be organised. We are hoping to fundraise enough to cover the costs of food, accommodation at the marae, and. We request that participants pay $10/day to help cover costs.
Peace Action Wellington are hosting an info night + creative working bee on Thursday, 21 October from 6-9pm at the Newtown Community Centre for anyone who wants to know more.
Here is the facebook event, and Twitter and Instagram social media links to stay in the loop. Please share these with whanau and friends and update your profile pic from the event pic. There are also posters that can be printed off the website and distributed too if you want.