This week on the lawn

I’m unable to show up this week – I have a swap test this afternoon and will be required to self isolate for 48 hours thereafter. I was about to return to the office but has some cold symptoms and felt I should play it safe.

The signs are with me – I can sanitise them and leave them out for pickup if people would find that helpful. I’m pretty sure people will be there (usually from 12:30, though some arrive earlier).

Please get in touch if you need anything, or would like to pass anything along.

ngā mihi,

Kieran Martin

Want to come on a Wednesday?

We’ve been back on the lawn for two weeks now. There’s been some talk about gathering on a Wednesday, improving the chances of getting the attention of the people inside the Beehive. I can’t do both days and feel that it makes sense to show up on a Friday, given the global nature of the Fridays For Future group.

Kate is keen to do Wednesday and will be talking with others about gathering on that day. She and I will work to ensure that the various channels (Meetup, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, the website, and email) contain the information you might need.

In reality, no one day will suit everyone and there’s nothing to stop anyone showing up whenever. The more the merrier: we may find a timeslot that works particularly well, or a may find that various groups like to gather at different times.

Whatever works for you. Just get in touch through our social media accounts, talk to myself of Kate when you run into use, or use the email account