On 15 December, Restore Passenger Rail left their mark on Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson’s electorate office. (Also targeted were the electorate offices of Transport Minister Michael Wood, Energy Minister Megan Wood, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark, and National MP Michael Woodhouse.)
So what did the activists do? They sprayed water-soluble red paint on the windows, onto three figures wearing “DENIAL = DEATH” t-shirts.
Robertson said it was extremely disappointing his Wellington office was vandalised.
We have just responded to Grant Robertson’s claim that Restore Passenger Rail vandalised his office. Because actually, acts of vandalism require destruction of property (or permanent defacing).
Given Grant Robertson’s refusal to meet with us, from Fridays For Future, earlier in the year at his electoral office, we wonder – is this what’s needed to get his attention focused onto acting on the climate crisis?