This Friday, 4th September, we mark 200 days of #ClimateCrisis protest on the lawn of Parliament. Come and join us from midday.
- May 14 to Aug 22 2019 consisted of Ollie Langridge’s 100 consecutive days.
- July 6 2020 to 4 Sept 2020 are the 60 days of the continuing E Tū vigil and hunger strikes.
- Between those two periods are 46 Fridays, six of which were spent in lockdown.
Climate strikes have appeared on the Parliament lawn for nearly one day in two since May 2019. Sometimes there have been thousands of people, and sometimes only one or two. In this time we have had hundreds of conversations with hundreds of people; most of them supporting us and wanting to see change.

We talk about anything and everything. We know that conversations require an emotional investment and a willingness to listen, especially when we don’t agree. We don’t shy away from the shock or the grief of this moment. We are a public forum within the grounds of Parliament, where the facts are not in question. We know of no other.

Since we started the situation has gotten worse: no price signals for the highest emitters, exploration continues, laws drafted to prop up emitters remain unchallenged and industries that benefit are claiming the word ‘justice’ for their owners.

Misinformation is increasing, people are imagining that not only are more roads essential but that they might actually lower emissions. The tiny steps made by the highest emitters only serve to demonstrate how dangerous they are. And emissions continue to rise.
We know you are already working on this problem. We know there are many ways to do it. Your stories, and your presence, give us courage. We’d love to see you, especially this Friday.